Year: 2023

LCS Exhibition / Year 8’s Farewell Assembly

Task Description: The year 8’s created a assembly and a item to perform in front of Glen Taylor School. All year 8’s shared their favourite memory from Glen Taylor School. Some gave a speech honouring some of their teachers. The part that stood out to me was the Pacific Pearls because they managed to put an item together in two days.


Task Descriptions: Room 11 were working on Maths. My classmates and I solved long multiplications reviewing our algorithm. We were problem solving stage 8 equations. We all used different strategies to analyse  what had the most effectiveness and efficiency to answer each equation.

Athletics Day

This week the whole of glen Taylor hosted an athletics day were we all could participate in. We had different stations to rotate every 15-20 minutes. My favourite of the day was sprints because I had the chance to race my friend who is very fast.

Writing W4 T4

Description: For our writing lesson this morning, we had to write a ‘Great Beginning’. The purpose of our task was to create an eye catching paragraph using your writing for eg; Vocabulary, Organisation and such more. Using these will accomplish your goals.


Hanging the Telephones

The echo of blood splattering against the thin walls was terrifying. It was quiet but yet the silence was so loud as you could hear the bullets pierced through bodies like jello. Seeing the person left me in fear because of their Intimidating presence. Some sounds were unheard of, as you could hear the pain in their voice as they shrieked. We were held for as many days as I could remember, with little food to ration and with no service.

Island Breeze T3 W3

Description: Glen Taylor school had the chance to experience a performance from the one and only Island Breeze. We had so much fun and enjoyed, watching the funny Rudy (MC). Island Breeze were very funny as they came up with jokes no one has heard before. It was entertaining as the parents were impressed how Island Breeze was making their children giggle.

Inference T4 W2

Today me and my buddy Jaydon, worked on a inferencing task. This was to make us learn how we could use our inference skills to our advantage in the future. The story becomes interesting when you inference a movie or story it makes you feel like you are a detective gathering all clues and putting them together like a puzzle piece.


This morning we had some options to do for maths. The options we had for maths were, Hit the button, Prototec tec, and ixl. I chose to do the Prototec tec because, I could practise my timetables and practise different maths equations and gave me the option to choose which level I am.