Writing T2

Task description: Team tui learnt how to argue what’s right and wrong. We had to choose one topic to  write about. For me I chose to debate about why phones should be allowed in school.

Why should phones NOT BE BANNED in school

Illustrated Spencer


The government has recently announced that school students will be forbidden to use their phones in school grounds and during school hours. Many people have disagreed with the government’s actions to forbid the use of phones in school. People have been angered with the government’s choices because in this modern day it is considered as an essential tool


People have had mixed opinions. Some people might argue that phones should not be allowed because it is bound to lead to distraction. Because of the ability to communicate, it also has limitless knowledge. People have been debating back and forth, but I am here to argue why phones should be allowed in school. 


Phones should be allowed in school because in case of a medical or a school shooting they can easily contact their guardian. It also makes it easier for the school staff so they don’t have to contact students’ parents. It just makes their job easier instead of contacting all their guardians they can call themselves. Smartphones have the potential to contact anyone in the world no matter the distance


I know phones can be a distraction and misuse at school but there’s an easy fix to prevent that from happening. There should be a scheduled time when you are allowed to use your phones. It also prevents the students from cheating so instead of completely banning phones you can confiscate when it is learning time


You might be wondering what about cyber bullying ? Well there’s a solution to that problem. There’s something named Vpn which stands for Virtual Private Network. If you are connected to the internet, they can decide what apps you can go on and not go on. Such as Social Media eg: Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and much more. 


You might hear from other people that being on your phone is a health hazard because of addiction and much more. But really it comes with its qualities. I have gone through my own research and it says on multiple sites that people who play games on Phones, Consoles, and Laptops have above average reflexes. Website, Website.

In conclusion, that is why Smartphones should be used in school. Because of its productivity. What do you think of the use of smartphones?

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