Task description: The whole of Team Tui had a project goal for term three. We had the option to choose anything that was related to Matariki and how we could exploit it and make it the greatest interactive learning projects. Along the way we had to find a way to gather this treasured information across New Zealand some people tried to gather information by e-mailing museums in New Zealand most people gathered there information by googling it. We also created something meaningful to the Maori culture like I, I created Maui’s Hook because he used it to pull the North Island and capture the sun.


Task description: Mrs Victor gave us a task were we could write down what went good or bad or what could’ve of been executed better. I reflected on how I felt when we performed our items and how our work station could be better. The whole objective is to help understand what we could do better in the future. Maybe you should try this technique to help you as well!

Measuring shapes

Today Team Tui learnt about calculating the perimeter of a shape. You had to find a group of 3 and try to create a shape and measure the estimated length of the perimeter with centimeters. We found the length by using a ruler and a sense of chemistry. The estimated length was around 65.5cm next we convert the centimeters into millimeters and according to our calculations it was 655mm,

Kelly Sports

On Tuesday morning team Tui had the chance to play rugby league with kelly sports. It was an amazing experience as usual the males dominated in the contact sport but the girls stood their ground. I was amazed by their capabilities and their speed. It was a challenge because I was always targeted by my friends. We learnt how to flick pass and spiral pass for different situations. Everyone had a part in the game, even the people I least suspected. My friend Jaydon got an amazing tackle out of me and later on I got my revenge I needed and got him out of the game. Ava-may surprised me with her determination while playing in the game and Mei was furious and strong on the field they both dominated. I felt guilty in the end because I accidentally made a girl cry.


Overall I think everyone enjoyed kelly sports and had a fun experience.